Monday 21 December 2015

Chocolate box - full of your favourites!

Today, please permit me to talk about a box. An ordinary box to you but to me it is my treasure box (in making). Yes, I'm talking about my blog that holds bits and pieces of my thoughts and thus, is a part of me.

A few people are in the vicinity of this box, but life is fast moving, busy, demanding and challenging so who out of the minority would care to bother what's in someone else's box? Especially, when talking about someone like me – a chatterbox. Hence what's the purpose in possessing this box? There's a probability that it may be of use to someone out there, but that I cannot be sure. Yet I continue to put my reminders, post it notes, to do lists, hobbies, essays, positive thoughts and various little joys there. Reason being, it serves me and acts as a stepping stone towards my higher purpose. Who knows, at times when I may feel less of myself, I could go to my box and get out more of my better self and stick it onto me. It will surely help me pick up myself and move on. And anyway that box has a lot of me in it. I think that box will give my loved ones access to me when I will finally get into 'the other box' at the end of my life story.

If you haven't understood any of it and feel that I've confused you and wasted your precious time talking about some box nonsense, please dance away. Don't box and cause me a virtual black eye! I am very much aware that sometimes I appear to talk in riddles. However, for those who are still with me and my box, it is time you keep a box too. I don't mean you start boxing, blogging, weather reporting or posting quotes like I do. I mean do more than that. Do what resonates with you, refines you, and restores you. Put into your box your goals, ideas, hobbies, passion etc. whether it is an indoor activity, outdoor sports, health regime, business endeavour, travelling, writing, programming, styling, baking, dancing, parenting, painting, learning a new language, yoga or cooking classes to name a few. Whatever it is, it needs to go into that box. The only criterion is that it needs to be something positive, that complements you and adds meaning to your existence. Because when you'll finally retire, pay off the mortgage for your investment property and marry your kids off, this box will be your companion - your mind massage system. And for your loved ones, it will be a mini clone of you.

This is talking ahead. No one has seen the future but we have today and to make it better than yesterday, I urge you to create and maintain this box to reduce stress and increase vitality, joy and all things fun. So get up and grab your ideas, dreams and visions. It has the potential to take you on life's amazing hidden journey. You have the power to create that magic box and it is not too late to begin.

I have presented a box to you in the form of my blog. Now it's time you see your own box. When you'll be too old or wise to enjoy any material possessions, this box will be the only treasure that you may desire. It's the real making of legacy for your children and the next generation. Get started and keep going. Excited? I am! And that's more than enough boxing for now. While it is easy to lead a busy packet soup type life, you put into your box some authentic soup to nurture, heal and share with yourself and all. I hope you experience the joy and peace you are meant to through this.

May peace, light and love be with you.


Friday 6 November 2015

You Are Not An Illusion

What people see and know of me is superficial. I am none of these illusions! Then who am I? 

I am a tiny star amongst uncountable that are spread across the many galaxies. And this isn't just my story. It is true for all of us as we are all interconnected.

How mesmerizing it is when you think about it! Yet most of us pass over this realm clinging to a narrow thought pattern, too engrossed into one temporary life and believing this one dimensional view to be the absolute reality. The soul laments at this and keeps returning in different vessels with the hope that we will unveil the truth one day. Unaware of this, we mourn at the death of the human body.

Now let me kindly ask, who are you? To say you are your name, gender, age, domestic and professional roles, race, ethnicity, religion, social and marital status and so on would be an understatement. This merely describes you. So, WHO are you? Think about your real self, open your eyes to the bigger picture. None of us took birth by chance, there's a broader objective behind us choosing to turn our formless self to the form we currently possess. Let's recall this, experience peace, and get a glimpse of heaven here and now.

May peace, light and love be with you.


Thursday 5 November 2015

Be the Symbol of Peace

We may be able to comprehend many languages yet not understand the language expressed of love.
We may listen to many speeches yet not hear the speaker’s urge.
We may read many writings yet not comprehend the writer’s yearn.
We may experience many emotions yet not interpret them and learn.
Be conscious that what we do know may not be accurate, complete or enough.
Expand your mind by gaining knowledge. Tenderise your heart through compassion. Bathe your soul with love.
All of this is possible when we choose to open our minds, hearts and soul.
Then we will personify the symbol of peace, the dove.

Monday 12 October 2015

On Challenges

Do not be afraid to take on challenges.
They will enrich you and help align you with the capabilities that you thought you didn't have.
Thus, view challenge as an opportunity to break away from limiting beliefs and presumed fears.

I used to have a fear of heights.
I used to lack basic painting skills.
I used to be uncertain of my ability to write.
In fact, there are many things which I am still uncomfortable with.

No matter how confident I may seem, a lot of what I do is challenging for me.
I do not claim to be perfect at anything.
I am far from being an expert in anything.

Yet I mindfully choose how I can better invest my time.
Or how I can best utilise the resources I have.
And sometimes it means doing things that are out of my comfort zone.

I just take notice of what resonates with me or what fills me with curiosity.
I approach it, do what I can then leave the rest for the next time.
The only requirement is determination and consistency.
Apart from that there are no criteria for me to meet.

There is so much for me to do, death being the final deadline.
But with however little that I have done and irrespective of how insignificant it may appear to you,
The truth is I have learnt a great deal, I can see I am becoming what I am meant to be as a being.

In all my learnings, what I hold dear to me is that there is no definite right and wrong in the reality of this illusory realm.
Once you realise this, you tend to accept yourself and your surroundings.
You become open minded and gain access to the universal mind.

As I continue to learn, I hope you all walk alongside me, probably not towards the same goal.
However, towards our unique vision of being a better person and leaving the world a better place for all.
Let’s join together in understanding the power we possess and how it can help us manifest our advanced states.

Remember, it all begins when you let go of your fears and embrace the challenges ahead.
They may break you or make you but they will certainly strengthen you and enrich you. 

May peace, light and love be with you.


Sunday 4 October 2015

Enhance your experience at work

Often we think of ways to enhance our efficiency at work. We rarely focus on ways to enhance our experience at work, which has added benefits. Let's think of few ways, little elements and minor changes that could uplift us and help promote a pleasant work life. Plants and herbal concoctions are amongst my preferences. It could be different for you. I hope you would take this as a reminder and add your personal touch to your work space.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

I have not forgotten, how about you?

I have not forgotten, and I hope you remember your real self too.
In between all of that which I do in this space called life, I have not forgotten that I am a mother. But I want my child to know the person I am.
I have not forgotten that I am a wife too. But I want my husband to know the woman I am.
I have not forgotten that I am also a daughter. But I want my parents to know the girl I am.
I have not forgotten that I am a sister as well. But I want my siblings to know the individual I am.
I have not forgotten that I am a friend to many. But I want my friends to know the lady I am.
In fact, in between all my roles that I play in this game called life, I have not forgotten that I am a human foremost. But I want myself to know the soul I am.
I have not forgotten, and I hope you remember your real self too.

Tuesday 1 September 2015


If the eyes are doors to the soul, then writing is expressing that soul. As such, my writings are an extension of me. However, it wouldn't have reached you without my support system. No matter how much of a solo endeavour my writings may seem, I owe credit to a dear friend and mentor who is invisible on the blog but fortunately not an imaginary one. Not only he proof reads the majority of my articles but encourages and inspires me through words and deeds. I thank him for his invisible work and valuable contributions in having my writings reach you. Thank you is a little word for someone who displays so much of grace. If you ever wanted to walk on the path that gives you absolute satisfaction and had someone to encourage, take care of your vision and ensure your journey is smooth, you would know we sometimes can't justify our feelings completely in words.

I would also take this opportunity to thank my husband who lets me pursue my interests, including writing. At times his kind gesture is so subtle that I don't even give him proper acknowledgement. However, from experience I know that it makes a big difference when your family and especially your better half understand your needs - some of which could be different to theirs. 

I'll feel I've cheated myself if I don't include my child here. Although I have always found solace in writing, motherhood gave me the much needed drive to get in tune with the true essence of life and urge others to do the same peacefully. Like many parents, I also think what kind of a person my child would grow into and what type of a society and world he will live in. It is his presence that empowers me to store and also share my thoughts and writings with others. Without planning to be a dictator, I hope my writings assist him find his true self than being lost in worldly delusion. 

I am hugely in debt to my parents for their indirect contribution to this. They are the powerhouse for the basis of my writings. They have always supported me in life and are my biggest inspiration. In fact I've inherited my mum's passion for creativity from writing and cooking to painting and decorating. As for my dad, I owe much of my learnings from witnessing his life experiences and some from informal disclosures with him. I have so much to say about them but I shall stop here just as I'm sure they'll prefer.

Although there are many well-wishers who support my cause, I cannot include each and every family member, friend or helping hand individually here. However, I do not intend to neglect anyone. I'll probably be adding more to this page as needed in future.

In the meanwhile, I have not forgotten to thank my readers who make an effort to fit my writings into their busy schedules and give their precious time to me. This is a two way relationship and by choosing to be a reader, you have added value and meaning to my work here. My vision is very simple - to see more and more people be in touch with their real self with comfort. If even one person finds my writings of assistance in that regards, I would consider myself fortunate in reaching the next stop on my soul’s journey that I have begun. Because of you, I am able to be me, THANK YOU and I hope we together can bring to reality our many dreams of a beautiful world for our future generations and our evolved beings.

Lastly, I thank the higher power for giving me this opportunity, thoughts and zeal. He is the actual source and I am just a medium. Although he is foremost important I've placed him in the end as he resides in all and his message is of humanity and humility. He is beyond any religion and any version of our god figure. Since he also resides within us, the higher power in me is the same as the higher power in you. Allow me to greet you and salute that higher power. Namaste dear reader and be a guest in my world of thoughts.