Monday 12 October 2015

On Challenges

Do not be afraid to take on challenges.
They will enrich you and help align you with the capabilities that you thought you didn't have.
Thus, view challenge as an opportunity to break away from limiting beliefs and presumed fears.

I used to have a fear of heights.
I used to lack basic painting skills.
I used to be uncertain of my ability to write.
In fact, there are many things which I am still uncomfortable with.

No matter how confident I may seem, a lot of what I do is challenging for me.
I do not claim to be perfect at anything.
I am far from being an expert in anything.

Yet I mindfully choose how I can better invest my time.
Or how I can best utilise the resources I have.
And sometimes it means doing things that are out of my comfort zone.

I just take notice of what resonates with me or what fills me with curiosity.
I approach it, do what I can then leave the rest for the next time.
The only requirement is determination and consistency.
Apart from that there are no criteria for me to meet.

There is so much for me to do, death being the final deadline.
But with however little that I have done and irrespective of how insignificant it may appear to you,
The truth is I have learnt a great deal, I can see I am becoming what I am meant to be as a being.

In all my learnings, what I hold dear to me is that there is no definite right and wrong in the reality of this illusory realm.
Once you realise this, you tend to accept yourself and your surroundings.
You become open minded and gain access to the universal mind.

As I continue to learn, I hope you all walk alongside me, probably not towards the same goal.
However, towards our unique vision of being a better person and leaving the world a better place for all.
Let’s join together in understanding the power we possess and how it can help us manifest our advanced states.

Remember, it all begins when you let go of your fears and embrace the challenges ahead.
They may break you or make you but they will certainly strengthen you and enrich you. 

May peace, light and love be with you.



  1. Where do I start in making a comment on your post? Every sentence you make lifts you with high-voltage energy.When we realize that we should not be afraid of challenges,we can do a lot more; as we tear away the veil of self-limiting beliefs and presumptions! Your writing is good! Thank you for this gentle reminder of what we are capable of.

    1. Thank you Felix! You are very generous when it comes to complimenting someone, a fine quality that is rare to find. It's not everyone's cup of tea to make another shine. I started this blog 3 months ago and this is the first comment. I'm not fitting this on top of my work and personal life to gain popularity or appreciation. I'm doing it to improve myself. But if it is of value to even one person out there, I take it as encouragement to do and be my best. :-)
