Tuesday 1 September 2015


If the eyes are doors to the soul, then writing is expressing that soul. As such, my writings are an extension of me. However, it wouldn't have reached you without my support system. No matter how much of a solo endeavour my writings may seem, I owe credit to a dear friend and mentor who is invisible on the blog but fortunately not an imaginary one. Not only he proof reads the majority of my articles but encourages and inspires me through words and deeds. I thank him for his invisible work and valuable contributions in having my writings reach you. Thank you is a little word for someone who displays so much of grace. If you ever wanted to walk on the path that gives you absolute satisfaction and had someone to encourage, take care of your vision and ensure your journey is smooth, you would know we sometimes can't justify our feelings completely in words.

I would also take this opportunity to thank my husband who lets me pursue my interests, including writing. At times his kind gesture is so subtle that I don't even give him proper acknowledgement. However, from experience I know that it makes a big difference when your family and especially your better half understand your needs - some of which could be different to theirs. 

I'll feel I've cheated myself if I don't include my child here. Although I have always found solace in writing, motherhood gave me the much needed drive to get in tune with the true essence of life and urge others to do the same peacefully. Like many parents, I also think what kind of a person my child would grow into and what type of a society and world he will live in. It is his presence that empowers me to store and also share my thoughts and writings with others. Without planning to be a dictator, I hope my writings assist him find his true self than being lost in worldly delusion. 

I am hugely in debt to my parents for their indirect contribution to this. They are the powerhouse for the basis of my writings. They have always supported me in life and are my biggest inspiration. In fact I've inherited my mum's passion for creativity from writing and cooking to painting and decorating. As for my dad, I owe much of my learnings from witnessing his life experiences and some from informal disclosures with him. I have so much to say about them but I shall stop here just as I'm sure they'll prefer.

Although there are many well-wishers who support my cause, I cannot include each and every family member, friend or helping hand individually here. However, I do not intend to neglect anyone. I'll probably be adding more to this page as needed in future.

In the meanwhile, I have not forgotten to thank my readers who make an effort to fit my writings into their busy schedules and give their precious time to me. This is a two way relationship and by choosing to be a reader, you have added value and meaning to my work here. My vision is very simple - to see more and more people be in touch with their real self with comfort. If even one person finds my writings of assistance in that regards, I would consider myself fortunate in reaching the next stop on my soul’s journey that I have begun. Because of you, I am able to be me, THANK YOU and I hope we together can bring to reality our many dreams of a beautiful world for our future generations and our evolved beings.

Lastly, I thank the higher power for giving me this opportunity, thoughts and zeal. He is the actual source and I am just a medium. Although he is foremost important I've placed him in the end as he resides in all and his message is of humanity and humility. He is beyond any religion and any version of our god figure. Since he also resides within us, the higher power in me is the same as the higher power in you. Allow me to greet you and salute that higher power. Namaste dear reader and be a guest in my world of thoughts.

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