Sunday 31 May 2020

My inner engineering experience

I walked into inner engineering program to learn some yoga and meditation.

The sheer dedication of volunteers was something that could not be missed. I was amazed at how even the tiniest things were taken care of with so much attention and detail. But I also noticed some people bowing down to Sadhguru’s photo and I thought what the hype was all about.

As the program went on, I witnessed so many changes taking place within me. And on the final day of the program, I could not stop myself but join the queue, which was much more longer by now, to bow down to Sadhguru’s photo. Now, are you wondering what the hype was all about?

We were bursting with gratitude for what he had offered to us. Something that money could not buy and which was beyond happiness.

Since then I have been wanting to write about my experience and journey with Isha and Sadhguru. However, I could not get myself to do so. Reason being, I don’t think I could ever articulate myself well enough and do justice to what I have received. But today, I feel the urge to share a bit of my inner engineering experience. Today I’ve attempted to write a bit of my story, especially for those who have recently approached me about this.

So what did inner engineering and shambhavi practice give me?

To begin with, my regular headaches were gone instantly and so was my need for coffee and caffeine dependency. Soon I realised my temptation to have meat had disappeared and becoming a vegetarian came naturally with an ease. These are some of the things that people could see on the surface. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. How do I explain the subtle shift that has been happening within me? 

Some people say inner engineering has made them good at decision making; enhanced their attention span; made them calmer; and so forth. For me, it has been the turning point, life has picked up momentum since then! I feel I have lived for four years in the last two and half years of my life since inner engineering program. Little did I know back then that the “engineering” would go on happening in my life hereon. There is so much more to say but for now, I am going to leave it at this. 

I’d rather let people have firsthand experience than sound like I’m marketing some product. So if you are someone who has been thinking about inner engineering, the only way to know is by giving it a go. Consider how much you will lose? Think how much you could gain?

And when you finally decide to go for inner engineering program, it does not matter whether you go as a skeptic or as a student, just go with an open mind. I hope you do not deny yourself the opportunity that I gave to myself. And as Sadhguru says “Are you here to experience life or to think about it?”

The choice is yours to make. I hope you make a wise choice.


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