To me the term ‘higher power’ is not restricted to the world’s definition of a god or THE god. In terms of my free style writing and preliminary thoughts, I perceive this as the higher nature of all, irrespective of whether one is an agnostic, an atheist, a follower of any specific theism (monotheism, polytheism etc.) or even a lesser life form. In a broader sense, it is impossible to give a precise description of what I believe to be beyond human intellectual capacity. However, in the context of our soul advancement, I personally think it is the minute energy embedded in each form of creation and at the same time the colossal energy from which every creation emerges uninterruptedly. Well these are just my feeble attempts to express my limited understanding of what I sincerely consider to be ‘the formless mute truth in motion - the all.’
For you, it could mean something similar or completely different and likewise your experience and awareness of this could be on par with mine or much greater. Since our thoughts vibrate at different levels, I urge you to read this with an open mind and replace my definition of the higher power with yours. It is worth noting that when referring to the higher power here, I am using the words ‘it’, ‘he’ or ‘god’ for the ease of writing, you have the flexibility to address the higher power as per your discretion. I encourage you to allow your own thoughts to shine and connect with your interpretation of the higher power. It is necessary to note that the objective here is not to enforce my understanding or opinion of the higher power onto you as the reader but to make a precise point – that regardless of how each of us conceives it, thanking that higher power continually and with sincerity is the focal point of this piece of writing. Let me paraphrase, consistent and sincere thanking of the higher power you believe in or know of is a prerequisite for your internal journey to begin.
Allow me to share with you a short story of little me and my daddy to illustrate how my internal journey began. (Note you'll come across quite a few of my conversations with my father if I continue to write and provided you continue to read, he is my greatest inspiration.) I was about 4-5 years old. Dad and I had finished the ‘ring a ring o roses’ nursery rhyme. Ha! How I enjoyed seeing him falling down repeatedly, the naughty me still laughs! I vaguely recall the lengthy bedtime story daddy narrated to me that night and like every night my eyes were staring out the window, checking to see if the stars were out. Just before I headed off to my lala land of dreams, father decided to share with me something that went on to become a daily ritual and a part of my existence since then. He asked me to close my eyes and concentrate on the power that runs this universe and much more, somewhat like god. The rule was I must not ask this power/god for some favour but instead I must say my thank you to him for everything good I’ve been bestowed with. Coming from a Hindu family at that tender age this power to me meant Lord Rama, the protagonist of Indian epic Ramayana, whose fascinating tales took me to some utopian wonderland. Although my daily thanking started off exclusive to my childhood favourite Hindu avatar Rama, from an early age both my parents made it a point to introduce me to the concept of the higher power which is beyond any form or religion, and probably non-existent to some school of thoughts. Like many other parents, they often emphasized on the importance of respecting each religion and to consider all forms of god as one. At the same time, they also ensured that I be considered of other people’s point of view and do not preach my version of the higher self or god to people of other faiths or non-believers/atheists. Father asked me to try to see him in all instead, and let me tell you I ain't good at that one! A bit out of context there, but I think it was important to briefly highlight the mindset I'm coming from.
Fast forward it to the present. My version of the higher power has modified over the years but my thanking has continued. There aren’t many nights when I haven't thanked the higher power for all the good I’ve received. Those nights when I didn't say my thank you, it was rarely due to forgetfulness and I must admit that I was either too lazy or too overjoyed and didn’t want to partially focus on this just for the sake of it. On the contrary, at times I wasn't in a good spirit or happy to appreciate things in life. Those days I would close my eyes and frankly express my feelings, doubts, resentment etc. and go to sleep. Nevertheless, I always had this gut feeling that something bigger is around. I also admit a bit of cheating, in that along with thanking, I often can’t help but request this higher power to guide my family and me and to take care of us. However, my inner voice tells me that everything is in its place for that moment even if it seems imperfect or illogical to believe.
So many years have passed by this way. My little version has grown and my young daddy has gone old. I'm now a parent myself and daddy has become a grand dad. My recent visit to him, somehow I started with this awkward conversation and reminded him of that night. I told him that I still thank the higher power each night. I asked him if he also does the same. His simple words of reassurance were ‘yes I do and I never stopped to’. We went back to the conversations we had some 25-30 years ago. My heart was filled with immense joy because at that very moment we both touched each other at another level of consciousness. We were more than a father and a daughter; we were two souls in union with the same spirit. I am glad I brought up this topic with him.
I hope my short story reminded you of a special moment you had with your parent(s) and or child(ren). Moving out of that story, it hurts to realise that not every child grew up with the privilege of connecting with either of their parents as this bonding brings out the best in both the parent and child I believe. In case you have missed out on this connection with your parent/child/someone special, allow me to remind you that the greatest attribute of our being is our resilience. It is never too late to create special bonding with yourself and those around you. I shall put this line of thought to rest for now and may elaborate on it some other day. Coming back to the current subject matter, remember there is no adversity big enough to stop you from bonding with your higher self. As you accept this, I hope you do make a lifelong commitment to incorporate this daily discipline of thanking the higher power without any expectations in return. You'll be surprised how effortlessly it takes you on an inner journey to your real self. You'll pass through doors to higher planes that you never knew existed before, let aside finding them to be closed previously. Age isn't a barrier and know that nothing is restricting you. Despite whether you believe in god/higher power or not, everything continues to be vibrating and you got this opportunity to be present in this time and space;
you didn’t just happen to emerge from thin air. Thus, it is crucial to recite your thank you and express your gratitude with intent, even if it means thanking your own consciousness. By saying your sincere thank you, you are acknowledging the force higher than you, allowing it to reveal itself to you. We may identify ourselves as an atheist, a theist or anything in between, but we can’t deny that thanking is an impartial universal expression of graciousness for all. We all do say our thank you and encourage our children to do the same even for trivial things. For instance when we buy them a material thing (like an iPad) or do some special thing for them (like taking them on a picnic). The same rule applies here, we are more precious than any material thing (be it an iPad) and our life is more special than any other trip (be it a picnic). If we thank wholeheartedly and encourage others to do the same with gracious for things of little relevance, how can we not appreciate and thank the intelligence above all wisdom? What could we lose, and what may we gain, ever thought of that?
When I have that spark of overwhelming happiness or contentment from within without any particular reason, I believe this little thank you I recite each night to the universal mind is my secret to access that peace. As such, if there is one thing I must pass onto my children, future generation and share with others before my body goes to sleep and mind takes a rest, it would be to thank your higher self, the higher power, not just for the spur of the moment or when you visit your holy grounds but every day or every night. It takes as little as a minute and a moment of undivided attention is all you contribute. I am extremely grateful to my father for sharing this with me without worrying whether or not I'll understand him or doubting if I'll continue this lifelong commitment of a daily discipline or not. He showed me a short cut way to peace and to higher power. That was his job. He did not deprive me of my freedom to create or acknowledge a version of the higher power that best resonates with me. That job was purely mine. Likewise, I am only sharing my thoughts and experiences with you of acknowledging and thanking that intelligence which is higher than all our knowledge put together. One can’t deny the higher forces that exist just because we have limited awareness of it. Nonetheless, remember ultimately it's your right to pick your version of it, to consciously and cautiously choose your path to peace.
I'll end this with one note: get up, wake up, open up to your higher self. I urge you to acknowledge that higher power and to never stop thanking him with sincerity. Even when your thoughts are covered with clouds of blue, and peace seems to be out of reach, know that sometimes we are not in the right spectrum to see things clearly. The Universal Law, the higher power puts everything everywhere into its right place, including within this temporary sphere we take so seriously called life. Don’t forget to do your bit, share this act of thanking with your loved ones for that would be your ultimate legacy and contribution to your generation and to this acquisitive age we exist in.
May peace, light and love be with you.